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Strafford Town House

Town House Advisory Group

Rockwell Fuller - Chairperson

Curt Albee - Vice-Chairperson

Steve Handy - Secretary

Silas Treadway

Tim Bergeron

Greg Colling

Sarah Havens

If you would like to receive minutes and updates and to be on our email list please let us know.


All Strafford residents are welcome to attend meetings and become members.

To make inquires about the Town House contact:

This amazing building has been well preserved since it was built in 1799. Come and see its many unique features.  Or, book your next event here.

*  A guide can be available to answer questions about the building and its history. Please contact the Town Clerk.

*  You can purchase a comprehensive history of the Town House and the early beginnings of Strafford written by Gwenda Smith.


Donations are sincerely appreciated. All donations are tax deductible and go toward preserving and maintaining the building.

THAG Meeting Agenda


Maintaining the Strafford Meeting House

Our very own Strafford Town House featured on Chronicle 5 ABC - WCVB. Click Here for the link to view the segment.


The Town House is available for Weddings, Recitals, Exhibitions, Concerts, Political Meetings, Town Events, Graduations, and Lectures.

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