Town of
Town Clerk
Clerk Hours: Monday - Thursday 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Closed on Fridays
Phone: 802-765-4411
Fax: 802-765-9621
Physical address: 227 Justin Morrill Hwy, Strafford, VT 05072
Mailing address: P.O. Box 27, Strafford, VT 05072
E-mail: townclerk@straffordvt.org
Lisa Bragg is our Town Clerk (19 years of service). She can answer questions about town land, birth, death and marriage records or answer questions about local taxes, licensing your dog, or other pertinent functions of life in Strafford. Most meeting notices are also posted at this office.
Vermont law entrusts the Town Clerk with an extraordinary list of duties, ranging from recording, preserving and certifying public documents to administering oaths of office, working with the listers on tax appeals, presiding over the local elections, issuing marriage licenses, and licensing animals. Town Clerks are also ex-officio notaries public and record all proceedings of town meetings.
The Town Clerk is elected at Town Meeting for a three-year term. Strafford has an Assistant Town Clerk, Regina Josler (18 years of service), appointed by the Town Clerk. The Town Clerk is an independent official, responsible to the voters.​

VMCTA Association's Certification Program.
Lisa Bragg and Regina Josler completed the requirements for Certified Vermont Clerk, Cum Laude.
Marriage and Vital Records Information
•Getting married in Vermont FAQ's
•Civil Marriage License Application
•Application for Marriage Record
•Temporary Officiant Registration Portal
​•Certified Copy of VT Birth or Death Certificate Instructions
​Property Tax Payment Policy 2024
Pay taxes or want to pay for other items by
credit card or E-check:
​Automatic Tax Payment: Click here
Please read and complete the authorization form and return it to the town office at the address below.
Property Taxes Due are due the first Wednesday of September and December. Please note the check acceptance policy: returned checks are $20.00; post-dated checks are not accepted. If a check is received in the mail, it will be deposited on that day it is received; and checks will not be placed on hold, even for later in the day. If a check is written out incorrectly, the line where the amount is written out governs. See the entire policy Here.
State of Vermont On-line Information
YOUR Property Tax Adjustment Claim
Understanding Your Property Tax Bill

Strafford Land Records Portal online
Lister Cards are available on line.
Click here to search and view.
The records available here have the property descriptions and assessments as of 4-1-2024.
Deed Indexes Research Document Files