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Town of
Selectboard Members
Toni Pippy, Chair
Jeff Solsaa, Vice Chair
Andrew Duncklee
Kelly Harman
Mary Linehan
The group can be contacted at
The Selectboard is responsible for the general supervision of town affairs. It has a number of functions, including: legislative (enacts local ordinances, regulations and policies), and administrative (prepares the budget, oversees all town expenditures, supervises town employees and controls town buildings and property). It also does work that is quasi-judicial--for example, it determines private rights when the town is laying out and reclassifying town highways.
Citizens are always welcome to attend Selectboard meetings. The agenda is posted in advance on the Strafford listserve, on this website, and in official locations. The minutes are posted on the Strafford listserve, this website, and are also available at the Town Clerk's Office.
Selectboard Meetings are at the Town Office unless otherwise noted.
Meeting are held the second and fourth Thursday at 6:00 pm.
Meeting times subject to change with public notice
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