Town of
Calvin Benjamin, Fire Warden
Term of July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2027
155 VT Route 132, South Strafford, VT 05070
To acquire a permit or for more information, call Calvin Benjamin at 765-9920.
Only the Fire Warden can issue permits; no other local fire personnel can issue permits.
There is at least a 24 hour turn around time to get a permit.
Do not expect a burn permit to be issued the same day as the request.
The burning of any solid waste by open fire or incineration in the State of Vermont is prohibited. A written permit may be granted by the Fire Warden for open burning of yard and garden debris including: trees, stumps, brush, untreated wood, lawn clippings, and leaves, provided that no hazardous conditions will be created by such burning.
When a permit is granted it is under the following conditions:
♦The landowner is the only person eligible to obtain a Fire Permit for a specific location. This permit is valid only for the place and time stated.
♦This permit in no way relieves the person to whom it is granted from any liability related to the fire or any damages it might cause.
♦The person setting the fire must at all times have sufficient help and tools present to control the fire.
♦Only natural wood material may be burned under this permit. Other materials require an air pollution permit as well as this permit.
♦The fire must not be left unattended until it is entirely extinguished.
♦Restricted materials cannot be used to ignite natural wood materials.
♦Any special conditions written on this permit are to be considered as part of “conditions to burn”.
♦If any permit condition is not followed, then the permit is immediately invalid and you will be burning illegally.
♦Violation of the conditions of this permit may result in the permittee receiving a “Vermont Fire Prevention Ticket” which will result in court action and a fine for each day of violation.
♦Leaving a message on the Fire Warden’s phone does not give you the permission to burn.
♦If you do not understand the law or have further questions, contact your local forest fire warden before you burn. This permit may be cancelled for cause at any time.