Town of
The town auditor’s role is to ensure that local officials are accountable for their expenditures of the taxpayers’ money. The auditors review the accounts of local officials and report the findings directly to the taxpayers for review in the form of the Town Report, which is presented approximately two weeks before Town Meeting. It is the auditor’s function to present an easy-to-understand picture of the town’s finances to the people of the town. In addition, our auditors regularly review the various town and school bank accounts, reconciling each account monthly for the treasurer. This provides an effective financial control so that the treasurer is not both issuing checks and reconciling the bank book.1
The Town of Strafford also has a professional audit done approximately once every three years by a certified public accountant.
There are three auditors for the Town of Strafford. They are elected at Town Meeting for three-year terms.
1Source: Vermont League of Cities and Towns, “Handbook for Locally Elected Auditors.”
Town Auditors
Nellie Pennington
Suzanna Liepmann
June Solsaa
Auditors can be contacted at auditors@straffordvt.org