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David Paganelli - Strafford Member

Annie Penfield - Strafford Member

Rob Stainton - Sharon Member

Erik Skarsten - Sharon Member

Michael Sacca - Tunbridge

The group can be contacted at:

The proposed Ashley Community Forest will be the outgrowth of the anticipated donation of the 218-acre Ashley parcel by the Alliance of Vermont Communities to the Towns of Strafford and Sharon and is anticipated to be owned and managed jointly by the two towns.  The property straddles the Town-line between Strafford and Sharon on Nutting Road, just off Strafford's Brook Road (i.e., Fay Brook Road in Sharon).


The Ashley Community Forest is envisioned to be a community asset providing outdoor education, natural resource education, historic preservation, sustainable timber harvesting and scenic ahd recreational opportunities for the public.  The property will be permanently protected by a conservation easement held jointly by the Vermont Land Trust and the Vermont Housing and Conservation Board.  Both the Ashley Community Forest parcel and the adjacent Manning Farm parcel were considered to be under threat by the NewVistas development, which was opposed by both communities at their 2017 Town Meetings.


An extensive trail network is planned for the Ashley parcel which could linked on the west to the proposed Manning Farm Trail and eventually on the north to a trail to be developed on the Robinson Round Barn Farm.

Ashley Forest map2.jpg

For more information and projects on the Ashley Community Forest visit the Alliance for Vermont Communities Webpage. Click here.  

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